‘A child, more than anything else, is a spontaneous observer of nature’ Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori studied and researched early childhood development in the 1900s. She was a leading advocate of outdoor learning, believing that children thrive most in nature. We are also lovers of the great outdoors, so we wanted to flag up just five of the reasons it does wonders for your baby’s growth and development...
- Babies are curious and the world outside offers a wealth of sights, sounds and smells for them to explore.
- Being outdoors can be a great stress reducer – indoor rules can literally go out of the window!
- Nature offers a variety of surfaces and objects that are great for your baby’s physical development.
- When your baby spends time in nature, they build connections with the environment and can lead to them having a greater love and respect for the world.
- Being outdoors is thought to boost your baby’s immune system development. Being exposed to a variety of bacteria found in nature helps the body from head to toe.
Disclaimer – there are a gazillion more reasons that spending time in nature boosts your baby’s development, but, just as important, it's hugely beneficial for your own wellbeing. Get your coat!