Welcome to the My First Five Years Blog. Here you will find all sorts of information, ideas and activities that will help you to support your child.
By now your toddler will have been building on and extending the basic skills they learned when they were younger. They may have now extended their skills in standing by reaching and stretching. They will also have been exploring moving using one leg at a time in activities such as climbing and running.
Your toddler will have been experimenting with many gross motor movements and they are most likely able to manage climbing the stairs all by themselves. You may notice that they still need some help to get back downstairs. Climbing is an activity that can be very appealing for young children and you may find them trying to climb all over furniture, along rails, onto windowsills and out of the bath.
Your toddler has been working hard to become more proficient with their walking and their movements are much more rhythmical and coordinated now that they have achieved more control over their large motor muscles. You may have noticed that your toddler is experimenting with changing direction and might be increasing their speed when walking.
It's possible that your baby has begun to move around, they may have been crawling for some time and are quite possibly walking independently. They will have acquired the skills to be able to sit without support and furthermore, when your baby has been playing with toys you may have seen your child crouching or kneeling. When they play with floor toys, they sometimes sit on their legs to make it easier to reach the items.
Your baby may have been experimenting with pushing themselves up using their arms whilst playing on their tummy. Their arms, core and neck and becoming stronger, giving them more control over their body and movements.
Your baby has been pushing themselves up onto their hands and knees. This has taken lots of concentration and practice.
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