Further Reading

I know what's coming! Moving in anticipation

Written by My First Five Years | Jan 11, 2022 11:26:08 AM

Your baby has been exploring their movements and is beginning to link them with things that happen. They are also starting to remember things and move in anticipation of what is about to happen. For example, they might stiffen their body in anticipation of being picked up or open their hand when they see a toy.  

Look out for new responses to you

This is an exciting time as your baby is beginning to remember some of the things that happen regularly, is recognising your responses and starting to anticipate what might happen next. Their physical skills are developing, and they can move in a more controlled way so you might notice new responses.  

And different movements of anticipation from them

Your baby is beginning to coordinate the movements of their hands and feet when they are playing. You might notice that as they begin to explore reaching towards a toy or object, they open their hand in anticipation of grasping the object. You may see that they turn towards the breast or bottle when ready for a feed. Your baby's movement in anticipation of being picked up develops as they begin to understand actions carried out towards them, and as they are becoming used to having to adjust their bodies in response to others, such as widening their arms or stiffening their legs.[3] 

Then reaching and grasping what they can see in front of them

As your baby’s visual and physical skills develop, they will be able to reach towards and grasp an object. They will gradually refine their movements, so adjust the position of their arm and hand so that they can reach more accurately. Your baby will remember the sequences of routine activities and will begin to anticipate what will happen next in these routines.  



[1] Kid Sense. (2021). Planning and Sequencing (Praxis). Available: https://childdevelopment.com.au/areas-of-concern/organisation/planning-and-sequencing-praxis/. 

[2] Vasudevi Reddy , Gabriela Markova, Sebastian Wallot. (2013). Anticipatory Adjustments to Being Picked Up in Infancy Vasudevi Reddy , Gabriela Markova, Sebastian Wallot PLOS Published: June 20, 2013 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.006. Available: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0065289#abstract0.