
An insight into your baby's vision and perception

Your baby will have now developed their gaze and vision to be able to focus more closely on things that are nearby, such as toys, and familiar faces. They will be making eye contact with you during play and other times where your faces are close. 

The development of depth perception

This comes as your baby is developing their visual abilities. During the first few months of your baby's life, they will begin to see more clearly, and by now their vision will have developed to a point where they are able to see people and objects in more detail. They are also developing their depth perception – they will be able to tell how close and far away things are from them.[1]  

Paying you closer attention

This increased vision then leads to your baby being able to respond to you with more focus. They may pay closer attention to your facial expression, and watch you more during interactions. Your baby is also starting to be able to shift their attention, rather than solely focusing on whatever is closest to them.[1]  

What's near and far? 

You baby will soon be reaching out for objects. They will combine their visual development with their rapidly improving motor skills to judge how close or far away objects or toys that they are interested in are from them and will move their bodies towards them accordingly.  



[1] Shankar, S., Robertson, B-A., & Bobier, W.R. (2007). Parent/Caregiver Narrative: Vision Development (0 - 6 Months). In L.M. Phillips (Ed.), Handbook of language and literacy development: A Roadmap from 0 - 60 Months. [online], pp. 1 - 5. London, ON: Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network. Available at: Handbook of language and literacy development.