Frequently asked questions

App Features

Your child will take their own unique learning journey, mastering skills in 6 streams of development underpinned by play.


Like a stream, your child will carve out a learning journey that will sometimes meander gently, sometimes race ahead like rapids and sometimes be still for a time before moving on. Although your child’s development may look similar to others, it is totally unique as the journey of no two children, or streams, is ever the same.

We have created 6 streams of development to support you in understanding your child’s learning journey during their first five years.

The streams are:

  • Gross Motor

When a baby is born, development starts in the head with the ability to control movements in the face, moving onto the larger body muscles such as core, legs and arms. It is likely that by the age of two most children will be able to walk and run, however Gross Motor skills will continue to improve throughout childhood.

  • Fine Motor

Fine Motor Skills are the skills that develop following on from the progression of gross motor movements. This is because fine motor skills require the strength and coordination of the gross motor muscles in order to operate smaller muscles in the body, such as hands, fingers and wrists. 

  • Language

As children grow, they notice and recognise sounds in the world around them and begin to associate them in meaningful contexts. By being exposed to speech and language, they too will learn to talk. 

  • Social And Emotional

Social and Emotional development is the ability to understand different feelings and emotions, recognise them in others and then respond to them in an appropriate way. Which is an awful lot to ask of a child!

  • Sensory

From the day your baby is born, they begin to learn about the world around them through their senses and sensory play provides an essential foundation for children’s overall development.

  • Cognitive Development

Cognitive development refers to the process in which our brain builds, processes and develops information to allow us to understand the world around us. It helps us to develop skills such as thinking, memory, processing and understanding. 

The observation icon is there to help you to keep a track of how many times you have seen your child practise a skill so that you can be sure that it is familiar enough to them for you to mark it as mastered.

Sometimes it can take quite a while for a child to master a particular skill, whereas another could be mastered quickly.

Using this feature never triggers a skill to be marked as mastered. It is just there to act as a record.

The active skills list in the 'Journey' shows the skills most likely to be coming up next at your child's development stage.

Notice we do not use 'ages and stages' because every child is unique. The idea that at a certain age, all children will all of a sudden magically master a skill at the same time, is we're sure you will agree, nonsense.

However, based on where a unique child is in their own journey, we can have a good idea of what will likely come next.

If parents know what's coming, they are likely first to see children;

  • Attempt - i.e give a go.
  • Explore - They will make enquiries in order to discover more about the skill and you might see them attempting elements of the skill.
  • Rehearse - Practise again and again (one reason why it’s good to have resources where children can self select when they are old enough) as children know what they are most interested in at a given time.
  • Consolidate - Through repetition and rehearsal your child will gain more confidence with this skill and it will become a fixed experience in the brain as strong synaptic connections are created. This happens through practising and bringing together all the elements involved in the skill.

Once the 'skill' has become second nature, it is time to mark it as 'mastered'. You can see this process being completed on the previous video.

In doing this, that skill will move over to the mastered list (and into the scrapbook should you choose to) and more skills from the 'coming up' list will become active.

Please take your time; don't dash to master skills. Childhood is a special time and a journey not to be rushed.

One of our key aims in our app is for parents to become more confident in their child's learning and less likely to compare as they see their child progress through the skills. Unhealthy peer comparison causes so much anxiety whereas embracing every step of each child's unique journey not only empowers parents but inspires children to flourish.

Yes. Within the app, you will see an arrow pointing upwards. If you click on that arrow, you will be able to share photos, mastered skills, memories etc via your messaging channels ie Whatsapp / E-mail or you can post to your social media channels, directly from the app.

On your child’s page in the app, you will see three tabs at the top, for the stream you have selected, i.e. cognitive.

  • ‘Active’ shows you the skills your child is likely to be trying to master at that time.
  • ‘Coming up’ gives you a flavour of what’s likely to be coming next when your child has mastered the current active skills.
  • ‘Mastered’ shows you all the skills your child has mastered to date in the selected stream.

Each day, the app suggests hints, tips, hacks, activities and play ideas that are timely and relevant to your child.

The ideas are simple, easy and effective in helping your child master key life skills and usually need nothing more than your child and things you will find in your home or your neighbourhood.

To view your child's current activities, click on the 'Activities' tab.


The scrapbook is a place to record your child’s special moments, including experiences they have had and skills they have mastered. A truly special keepsake to treasure for life.

To add a memory to your scrapbook, click the 'memories' tab (cloud icon with a + symbol) as shown in the video below. Memories can be photo's, video, comments and links to a specific skill.


Manage Account

Apple Trials

Please follow the Apple instructions on how to cancel a subscription -  Cancel a Subscription from Apple


Android Trials

Please follow the Google Play Store instructions on how to cancel a subscription - Cancel, pause or change a subscription on Google Play


Website/Stripe trials

Please log in to your Stripe account area and follow the instructions.


Apple App Store

If you purchased your subscription through the Apple App store and you wish to cancel, here's what to do:

  1. Go to the App Store icon on your device.
  2. Tap your profile icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select Subscriptions.
  4. Find the My First Five Years subscription and select the Cancel Subscription tab.

For more information on cancelling an Apple subscription - visit Cancel a Subscription from Apple.


Google Play Store

Please follow the Google Play Store instructions on how to cancel a subscription - Cancel, pause or change a subscription on Google Play


Web/Stripe customers

If you subscribed via our website or using Stripe, you can log in to Stripe to manage your subscription.

To delete your account, you can either: 

  • request Right to Erasure by emailing us at, or
  • delete your account within the app – this will erase your account, but some data will still be held for basic reporting.

To delete your account within the app: 

  • On the Today screen, tap the Settings ‘cog’ on the top right-hand side of the screen
  • select “Settings”
  • tap on “Delete Account”
  • have a careful read through and then tap “Delete My Account” – please note that your subscription will need to be cancelled through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store
  • you’ll be asked to reconfirm that you want to proceed by tapping “Delete My Account”. 


You can view our terms and conditions here.

Contact us

Click here to contact us by email.

If you would like to write to us, you can reach us at:

My First Five Years, Didsbury Business Centre, 137 Barlow Moor Road, Manchester. M20 2PW