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What’s great (and not so great) about grandparents?

Written by MFFY | Aug 18, 2023 8:45:05 AM

“Don’t assume that your parents (because they’re your parents and you love them) are on the same wavelength that you are.” 

Join Alistair and Jennie for our newest podcast episode to hear why grandparents are important in children’s development, how to have realistic expectations of your parents as grandparents, and what to do when you have a difference of opinion in child-rearing, as well as five ways grandparents enrich young children’s lives. 

Listen to the podcast here… and if you’re one of the two thirds of grandparents who regularly look after their grandchildren, read on.  

We know some of you are grandparents, using the app to stay in touch with your grandchild’s development or to learn more about ways you can help them develop skills while caring for them. 

The saying “There are no words to describe the happiness in holding your baby’s baby” captures the mix of emotions perfectly.  

It’s amazing and empowering – but there are suddenly a new set of relationships to negotiate with your child as they begin parenting their own way. 

No matter what form your relationship takes, whether you’re taking care of your grandchildren regularly so their parents can work, or more occasionally in the form of visits and keeping in touch over the phone, looking after grandchildren is brilliant for children and for you.  

But sometimes you might be at a loss for what to so, or how to know what your grandchildren are learning.

Even though it feels like yesterday that your own baby was that age, sometimes you might find yourself thinking, ‘Can they do that yet?’ or ‘Should they be rolling?’ 

If you’re looking for ideas about what your grandchild will enjoy doing, and up-to-date information about child development... everything you need is here in our app.

On top of all this, you know things have changed as researchers have learnt more about development.  

Your child might be doing things very differently to you, or intentionally making decisions that seem opposite to everything you knew about raising babies yourself.

Handling these conversations, and knowing when and how to help, is a huge part of the transition to becoming a grandparent, which we talk more about on today’s podcast. 

You and your child might already share a login for My First Five Years to see, support and celebrate your grandchild’s development – helping you both to start and find your way through conversations about choices your child is making around raising their own children.  

Just as you approached parenting in a different way to the generation before, they are thinking about, and finding a way for, this generation.   

Enjoy seeing how everyone grows and changes as your grandchild is mastering new skills – and embrace the joy of being part of raising this next generation alongside their parents.  

We'd love to know what you’d like to hear more about next, so if there is anything you’d like us to cover on the podcast in the future drop us an email at or post to our Facebook Community letting us know!