
We’re going on a butterfly count – I wonder where we will see one?

Our world is constantly evolving and when it does, nature has to adapts to these changes. There are just 57 native butterfly species in the UK, and research indicates that their populations are declining. 

There are various causes for the fall in butterfly populations, but thankfully Butterfly Conservation is on the case to identify the butterfly habitats and species that can still be spotted. They are hosting a Big Butterfly Count which starts on July 15 2022, and you can join in. 

The Big Butterfly Count is a great way to get outdoors with the whole family and take in the beauty of nature. You can be anywhere in the country to take part, and you can contribute information as many times as you like. 

Why not challenge the family to choose a spot to carry out a count? You never know which wild and wonderful locations your child might suggest.  

If you are lucky enough to spot a butterfly, you could carry out a family investigation into the species you find. You might learn which plants they enjoy the best and plant a few of those in your garden or nearby.  

It could be fun to get together with a group of friends to go out and spot butterflies or organise to meet with them and compare any butterflies you have spotted. 

For more information, go to the Big Butterfly Count’s webpage by clicking here: Big Butterfly Count (butterfly-conservation.org)