
Watch our improved way to master skills – and get top tips for skills mastery!

There is only one thing better than seeing your child master a new skill - and that’s ticking it off in the app and getting new skills, activity ideas and articles. Now if you’ve noticed a few new skills, it’s even easier to master them all at once – just tap the tick in the corner and click the ‘mark as mastered’ button.  


When you master skills, as well as getting new skills and activity ideas, you’ll see new articles at the bottom of the Today screen – don't forget to check them out for topical information, tips, book recommendations and more.  

Top tips for skills mastery 

We’ve been asked: “Do I need to use observations?” “How many times do I need to observe a skill?” 

The observations are there to help if you’d like to use them.  

Sometimes the first time you see a new skill it almost seems like your child did it by accident. You might not want to say it’s mastered, but you don’t want to forget you’ve seen it – so you could use the observations for that.  

You know your child best, so when you’ve read through the information about a skill and you think, “Yes they’re definitely doing that,” that’s the right time to master the skill even if you haven’t clicked an observation yet.  

Some people don’t use observations at all – like so much of parenting we suggest you do what works for you.  

For some skills you might find it useful to look at more of the information before you master it 

We provide a short description on the skill tile – but sometimes you might want to read more. Click the skill to see more information about it and activity ideas which will help you support your child to master that skill – so you feel confident that you know what you’re looking for.  

How many skills? How often? 

We know each child develops differently and individual children have times when their development is faster or slower, so there is no set number of skills.  

Your child will probably master skills every week, sometimes every day. By keeping their skills up to date you'll keep getting new ideas and activities that will help you support their development.  

We'd love to hear any ideas, feedback or questions you have about the app! Tell us what you think by emailing us at hi5@mffy.com