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Today is Mother's Day!

Written by My First Five Years | Mar 22, 2022 2:26:46 PM

Mother's Day is not always easy for lots of families. But it can often be seen as an excuse to celebrate the people you have in your life that are special and important, whether they are your mother or not! 

Here are a few ideas for celebrating Mother’s Day at home.  

Make a card 

Homemade cards are unique and can feel a little more personal than ones bought from a shop. Making a card with your child is a fun way to get creative together, and you can even use a range of materials such as paint and collage. You can discuss together what you might want to tell the person you are celebrating and either write it into the card for them or support them in writing in it. 

Spend time with your loved ones 

It is a day you might focus on spending time with people you love and care for and celebrating togetherness. Some families like going on walks, others prefer snuggling up and watching a film together and others treat themselves to a nice meal or takeaway tea – find what works for you! Do not be put off by what other people seemingly do to celebrate.  

Remember those who can’t celebrate with us 

Days like Mother’s Day can be difficult when there are loved ones who are no longer with us, or we live far away from family. There are many ways that these people who are special to us can be remembered and celebrated. For example, planting something is a great idea for remembering somebody. Talking about them is also an important way to remember people you miss. And if you are missing someone who lives further away, then why not schedule a virtual catch up – or even a little virtual tea party!