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The clocks are going back tonight – but don’t panic!

Written by MFFY | Oct 25, 2022 2:16:23 PM

Have you remembered that the clocks will go back in the UK this weekend? For many parents this brings uncertainty, and indeed dread. If your child is already an early riser, the idea of getting up at 4am is unlikely to sound appealing.  


What can you do to make things easier?  

Our honest answer is, not that much. Children themselves are less bothered by the change than you’d imagine. Young children are far more in-tune with their instinctual needs than adults, meaning that when they are tired, they will want to sleep, regardless of what time it is. We probably all know this from trying to avoid a ‘danger nap’ at 4pm! Our best advice is to go with the flow. 


How about trying to maintain a routine?  

There’s no need to change your routine, but you might want to shift the timings slightly. This doesn’t have to be a by a lot – try to watch for your child’s cues. Sometimes the clocks changing can actually be a good chance to review your timings. And don’t forget, an earlier bedtime does not automatically mean an earlier wake up.   


What if my child does get up at 4am?  

Don’t worry. It won’t be forever. We know how hard it can be to manage these changes when you are already sleep-deprived but within a few days their body clock will start to adjust. As will yours. You might just need to be a little more flexible than usual for a few days. Go gentle with your expectations in the meantime (including those that you place on yourself). And get the kettle on!  


You can read our blog on the clocks changing here