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That TikTok '4 years' trend is wrong. It's the first five years, and so much more!

Written by My First Five Years | Mar 29, 2022 8:47:38 AM

You might have heard the TikTok audio that starts “You have little kids for four years... and if you miss it it’s done. That’s it.”  

Wow. Even though it’s usually paired with adorable videos of babies playing, it can really tap into some anxiety – especially if your children are four or older! That feeling that you might have missed something, or not appreciated it enough, or not have much time left can be overwhelming. But wait, our children are not suddenly done being children when they get to four years old.  

Our ethos here is focused on loving and supporting children’s first five years because this time is so important for their development, but it doesn’t end there. These first five years are about building strong foundations for the incredible adventures to come! So don’t let that feeling of time slipping away make you anxious.  

If you hear that audio and start to feel overwhelmed take a deep breath and remember, your kids will always be little to you. Even as they get taller, they will always be your kids needing advice, support and love.