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A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step – Lao Tzu

Written by MFFY | Oct 10, 2022 4:18:00 PM

It’s a joyful moment when your baby first starts lifting their feet while holding your hands. They are at the beginning of a very exciting stage in their life. 

The new adventure 

When your baby starts on their journey to independent walking, encouragement, support and time are important. 


Celebrate and cherish each tiny step. Show your baby how proud you are of them. 

Support and time 

It's incredibly tricky to lift a foot and take a step. 

When they lift a leg, your baby learns about balancing and shifting weight in the body. They are learning to coordinate their bodies to make a big bold movement. 

Try to practise taking steps for short lengths of time, so their little legs don’t get too tired. 


Give your baby as much time as possible in this wonderful stage. It will scoot by so quickly.