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Songs to share – The Wheels on the Bus

Written by My First Five Years | Jun 1, 2022 8:31:47 AM

Like a lot of popular nursery songs, The Wheels on the Bus is one that is easily adaptable and can be fun to repeat.  

From a young age, your baby will probably enjoy action songs. They will watch you at first, and as they grow older and more familiar with the songs and actions, they might begin to join in with you.  

You could sing this when you are lying down, playing together and show them actions as you sing, or as they get older you could prop them up to face you, or sit them on your knee facing a mirror and move them gently along to the song.  

You could add whichever aspects you like to this song, for instance, children bouncing up and down on the bus, and the wipers going “swish, swish, swish!” 

Your child might have their own ideas to add into the song – maybe they would like to sing about a lion on the bus! 

Here are the lyrics if you are unsure, with wipers used as an example:  

“The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, round and round,

The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long! 

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish swish, 

Swish, swish, swish, 

Swish swish, swish, 

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish swish, 

All day long!”