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Sleeping in the heat

Written by MFFY | Jul 11, 2022 12:59:58 PM

As fun as it is when the weather warms up, it can be difficult to adjust when it comes to sleeping in the heat!  

Here are a few tips that you may find handy to help your child sleep better in the warm weather, whether that be at home or on holiday.  

Block out the sun 

To keep your child’s room cool, try to block the sunlight out as much as possible. You could do this by keeping their blinds and curtains closed during the daytime. Light coloured curtains or blinds work best for this, surprisingly! 

Circulate the air 

If the temperature outside is cooler than it is inside the house, you can open the windows a little to circulate the air. Early evening and first thing in the morning is often a cooler time of day. If you have a fan, it might be a good idea to put this on for a little while before bedtime to get some cool air moving.  

Have a cool bath 

Running your baby or child a bath that is a little cooler than usual can make them feel relaxed and helps to cool them down before bed.  

Keep bed clothes minimal 

Light and loose pyjamas are great, but just underwear or a nappy is fantastic too! 


Further reading