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New beginnings - our top ten tips for starting childcare or school

Written by MFFY | Aug 1, 2023 2:09:05 PM

One day you suddenly find yourself standing at the gates of the childcare you’ve chosen so carefully, on their first day, clutching their little bag and wondering where the time went. We talked about this on our podcast , because we know how hard it is! 

The transition to a childminder, nursery, school or any other childcare arrangement is a big milestone for parent and child alike. The good news is, there are things you can do to prepare yourself and your child as you begin this next chapter together.  

Listen to the podcast here… and read on to get more support with the transition to childcare.  

We asked our team of Child Development experts, who have also had years of experience as teachers, nursery managers and parents, for their top ten tips.

1. Pick childcare you LOVE

This might sound obvious, but for you to really feel comfortable leaving them in someone else’s hands you need to feel confident leaving them there. So, look at as many different options as you can!  

Lots of people ask us how to pick childcare and we usually tell them that you will just know when one is right for you. This sounds ambiguous, but there are many factors that create a good feeling for a parent, such as;   

  • The people – you need to like and trust the people you will leave them with. 
  • The space and how it is used, both inside and outside. 
  • The rules, policies or values of the person you leave them with. 
  • Finding out about qualifications and first aid knowledge. 
  • What daily activities are like, including how many trips they go on.  
  • Flexibility, this might be informed by the kind of childcare you’re looking for with options including nurseries, childminders and nannies able to offer different amounts of flexibility. 

The list goes on and on and will be unique to you. Each parent’s priorities around what they want from childcare is different!

2. Walk them to their childcare regularly before they start

Children are creatures of habit and if you start to implement new routines with them too quickly, they can often find it overwhelming.  

One way you can introduce the idea of childcare is by walking them to the place you’ll be dropping them off, before you begin to take them. You can talk about the different things you can see and what you might do when you get there.  

Even if your child is very small, this can be a very effective way to get them comfortable with a new environment.

3. Read books about going to childcare or school

Books are a brilliant way to introduce new concepts to children, and I would recommend reading to them about any type of transition.  

A great book about going to the nursery is Maisy Goes to Nursery by Lucy Cousins. It shows how much fun they could have when they go and introduces them to some of the different activities they might take part in when they get there.  

Your local library will also have lots of different books about starting nursery, childminders, school or even having a nanny in their home.

4. Encourage them to spend time with others when possible

For many children, attending childcare is one of the first times they will have spent time with unfamiliar people, and it can come as a shock.  

If you can, spend time at playgroups and baby classes, so your child can become accustomed to unfamiliar faces.  

If you have friends over to visit, pop out of the room for a few minutes while they look after your child and take your friends up on the offer to babysit for an hour here and there as well. This helps your child begin to understand that you always come back, even when you leave them with others.

5. Make them a book of photos to take with them 

From our experience working in childcare settings, we know just how useful a photograph can be in supporting a child to settle into their new environment.  

We would often recommend to new starters that they bring a small selection of photographs of the people they live with along with them, so that they can see them whenever they feel they need to throughout the day.  

Preparing this is also a lovely way to talk to your child about childcare. Together you could make a simple flipbook with the pictures in. Simply fold over some light card and staple like a book, then stick in some of your favourite pictures. You can pop this in their bag for their first day.

6. Implement a similar routine at home 

Speak to your childcare provider about what a typical day looks like. They will often do as much as they can to mirror the routine you have at home but will transition them into their typical routine over the first few months.  

If you can replicate any of these childcare routines at home, it will be less of a shock to their system.

7. Be positive about this new chapter 

Without even realising it, you might find yourself feeling anxious about the start of this new chapter in front of your child and it is only natural to then pass on this apprehension to them.  

So, where possible, save your worries to talk about away from your child, with people you can confide in, and be as positive as you can in front of them. Let them know it is okay to share their worries, but focus on the exciting, positive things they will do and see. 

8. Think about transitional objects 

This simply means taking something into the childcare that reminds them of home. It can often help children to settle and have a sense of belonging when they take a transitional object in with them.  

This can be a teddy, comforter or dummy but we have also had small cars, items of clothing and pictures. Read more about transitional objects here: Blankets, bears and bye-bye - how transitional objects help your child to settle in new situations.  

9. Keep photos of their new childcare at home 

Use their website or socials to share photos of the school, nursery, childminder’s home or nanny with your child.  

You can even make a book (like the one of your family mentioned above) to keep at home. This will really help them become accustomed to what the building, rooms and people look like ahead of starting there.  

10. Embrace the time you spend together

Although there is lots you can do to prepare your child for their new childcare setting, it is still important to be present in the time you have with them now and enjoy the freedom to be together in the moment.

Therefore, our final tip is, where you can, take time to appreciate just being you two together. Allow them to fall asleep on you, let them have ten more minutes in the bath or a few more goes on the swing in the park.  

Having these warm memories, and moments of deep connection, will be the best possible preparation for your child to handle the transition to childcare knowing you will always come back for them. 

We'd love to know what you’d like to hear next, so if there is anything you’d like us to cover on the podcast in the future drop us an email at or post to our Facebook Community letting us know!