
Keeping your baby cool in a pram

We all know that the weather can be changeable and what starts out as a cool, damp morning can quickly become a sunny, warm afternoon. 

We instinctively want to protect our little ones when the sun comes out and we want to keep the sun’s harmful rays from damaging our child's health. 

It might feel logical to think that babies and children can be protected from the sun by using a blanket, cloth or cover over their pram or buggy, as the sun is blocked from their face, and it cannot burn their sensitive skin. However, this will quickly cause the temperature inside the pram to rise. When the pram is covered, the air inside is unable to circulate and can get very warm very quickly. 

Young children find it more difficult to regulate their body temperature. Babies and young children do not sweat as adults do, which is the body's natural way of cooling off. When their buggy or pram is covered with a blanket or any type of cover, they are more likely to become very hot rather than become cooler. 


Here are some hints on how you can keep your baby safe in the heat and sun:

  • Try to go out during the coolest parts of the day. This is usually before midday and after 4.30 pm. (These are guide times only, you can check your local weather forecast to find out the coolest times of day in your area.)
  • Take extra drinks or milk out with you in case you are out for longer than expected. 
  • Dress your little ones in cool clothing and take a sunhat with you. 
  • Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before you leave home and top up regularly. 
  • Try to stay in shaded areas with your pram or buggy. Use a parasol or sunshade designed to be used with your pram or buggy, or you can use the shade of a tree, wall, or building to keep the sun off your little one. Refrain from using any type of cover. 



Information sourced from Red Nose on 24.5.2022

The dangers of covering your pram | Red Nose Australia