
Hungry Caterpillar fruit kebabs

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a classic favourite story for many families. It can be a starting point for knowledge and activities across streams of development, including animal life cycles, times of the day, and days of the week.  

A major aspect of the story is the fruit that the caterpillar eats. You and your child could have a go at making your very own Hungry Caterpillar fruit kebabs – maybe you could both try out some new fruits that you haven’t tried before!

You will need: 

  • Wooden kebab sticks 
  • Variety of fruit – you could replicate the story closely and use the following:






Alternatively, you could choose your own fruit together based on what you and your child like, or would like to try. 


How to: 

  • Cut your pieces of fruit into small chunks. If your child is able to use a knife safely, encourage them to help you.  
  • Choose your fruits and slide them one by one onto the stick. You could have a go at making patterns with the pieces of fruit, or place them on in the same order as the story.