
Five tips for starting childcare

1. Go to or past your childcare provider lots of times before they start  

Children can feel gently reassured by a familiar routine and so walking them to the new place is a fantastic way for them to feel more comfortable about it. Talk to them about all the fun and exciting things they might do there.  

2. Read about it together

Books are a wonderful way of introducing a new concept to your child, so read some books about going to nursery, childminder or a relative’s house.  

3. Make sure bunny comes too!

Having a favourite toy, teddy or blanket with them can help them feel safe and assured when they’re learning to cope in an unfamiliar situation. And don’t worry if their precious item seems a bit unusual – our team have seen carrots, wooden spoons and stones being carried and loved throughout the day!   

Just a word to the wise: make sure you have more than one of these much-loved items, in case it goes missing!  

4. Talk to the people who will be looking after your child

Tell them about your child’s routine and what they like. Check when mealtimes are and think about if you would like to tweak your routine in the weeks before your child starts nursery so it is a little more familiar.

5. Be positive (although you might shed a tear or two)

While you might be feeling apprehensive, try to be upbeat and positive with your child; focus on all the exciting things they'll get to enjoy. If you do get upset in front of them, explain that it's because you'll miss them and that you'll look forward to BIG hugs later on. Then, when you can, take time to talk to others about how you are feeling. It's all new, and it will be fine.