
Don’t start your summer without asking these five questions

The summer is upon us and, as with much of parenting, we know this can bring a mixture of emotions. Excitement, perhaps, at the chance of a holiday or some time off work. You might feel happiness, at the thought of spending some quality time as a family or getting outside more, or trepidation at the juggling that can be required. You could feel exhausted just thinking about how to fill the six-week summer holiday with none of the normal baby classes, play dates and routines. You might have already started to think about how to fill your days but how much do YOU feature in the planning? 

We’re all about creating wonderful memories for our children but we also know that children benefit from having parents who are well-rested and happy. Perhaps this means something different nowadays – I’m sure not many of us will be spending long days lying by a pool reading a book without interruption. But rest doesn’t necessarily mean sitting still, and happy doesn’t mean that you have a constant smile on your face, even as your hot, weary little one insists on being carried everywhere.  


So, here are five questions that you can ask yourself to create a summer that works for everyone:


What social activities are going to ‘fill your cup’? 

Are you someone who is energised by being around people, or will a weekend away with friends leave you desperate for some personal space? Knowing this, what time do you need to plan in for yourself to retreat and rejuvenate? Who would you like to make sure you see over the summer – who are the friends and family that bring you joy? How does social media feature in your life – are you feeling enthusiastic about finding some sort of Instagram challenge to do, or craving a break from your phone? If you are in a relationship, what time would you like / could you manage to get together?


What is your ideal summer day?

This is a nice, open-ended prompt to consider. Sometimes we are so busy that we don’t give ourselves time to stop and think about what we want our days and our summer to look like. Get into the detail, what would you be doing, who would you be with, what would you eat and what is the weather like? Maybe not all of this will be possible and of course, some stuff will be outside your control, but maybe some of it will. Maybe you’ll realise that there are some simple changes you could make right now to make this happen. 


What makes you feel well-rested?

Aside from a good night’s sleep and strong coffee(!), what else refuels your energy? Do you love nothing better than a walk in the countryside? Is it sitting down with a good book? A ten-minute stretching session? It can also be worth considering exactly how much you are trying to fit in over the six-week summer holidays.  


What is one thing you'd love to do for yourself over the summer?

Hmm this might be a hard one, so don’t rush, give it some thought. It could be ANYTHING. Have a go at wild swimming, have a night away from the kids, spend an afternoon shopping, visit an exhibition or complete an exercise goal. Once you’ve decided on your one thing, get planning it. Make it happen!  


What are you most looking forward to doing with your children over the summer?

Again, this might be a question you haven’t really considered before. And the answer might not be what you think. For me, I am really looking forward to having some days when we don’t have to rush out of the house in the morning and can slob in our jammies eating masses of jammy toast. I also can’t wait to get the paddling pool out! If you are stuck for ideas, don’t forget that we can help with that too. 


Taking the time to write about these questions, or discuss them with a friend or partner, will help you to create a calmer, more purposeful summer and hopefully feel more inspired and excited about the coming months.  

Now, all that’s left to do is stock up on the ice lollies and pray for some sunshine!