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Do you find it hard to ask for help? You’re not alone

Written by MFFY | Oct 13, 2022 11:59:38 AM

A recent study[1] has shown that people close to families are much more willing to be involved than parents expect and see giving support as a positive experience.   

Let’s take a look at this and explore how you can approach others for a little help when you need to.  


Accept that being a parent is hard work, and that sometimes you will need a helping hand   

The first step to asking for some help is acknowledging that you may need a little support. Think about which parts of parenting you find tricky – would you rather somebody assist you with doing something in the house, with your child, at work, or do you just need some friendly advice and comfort?   


Think about who you can turn to   

It is important that you have trust in whomever you would like to help you. This could be your own parent, sibling, another family member, your best friend or someone else that you are close to who your child has a bond with.   


Be open and honest   

You might think that you have to be the perfect parent who is on top of everything, but everyone has moments when everything gets a little tricky! Be honest and upfront about what you are finding hard. They may even offer some support, encouragement or advice before you even ask.   


Be clear about what you want   

Asking for something can be scary! It is important to provide clarity on exactly what you want from whomever you ask. Being vague might lead to misunderstandings – so be precise!   



[1] Surprisingly Happy to Have Helped: Underestimating Prosociality Creates a Misplaced Barrier to Asking for Help 

Xuan Zhao and Nicholas Epley