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Did you know, there is a link between counting skills and the ability to share?

Written by My First Five Years | May 9, 2022 9:43:17 AM

Research has found that there is a cognitive link between counting skills and the ability to share in young children.  

According to a recent collaborative study by Harvard University, Boston College and the University of California, the biggest factor when it comes to young children’s ability to share is symbolic counting skills. Previously, it was found that fair sharing was something typically developed between four and six years of age, but the links between the skills were less clear.  

The study looked at the links between number knowledge, memory and cognitive control in relation to sharing with others. Two studies took place, both with children aged from three to five years old. 319 youngsters took part across the two studies.  

During the study, children were asked to count cards with animals on, and later share stickers with other children. It was found that counting prompts supported the children during these activities.  

How can I help my child to share? 

To support your child to build skills related to fair sharing and counting, you could have a go at these simple activities: 

Count as often as you can

Think about counting in your daily activities. This could be counting as you carry your baby to bed or counting when you go shopping. Your toddler might begin to recognise the pattern of numbers you use when you count and, as they develop their cognitive skills, will link numbers with quantity.  

Card games 

You and your child (and even friends who come to visit!) could have a go at some simple card games that involve sharing out cards at the beginning. Snap is a great starter. Model giving out cards fairly at the start and ask your little one to help. For example, you could go around the circle of players saying, “One for you, and one for you,” as you hand them to each person.  

Teddy bears’ picnic 

Hold a teddy bears’ picnic (or a toy picnic) and ask your child to help you make sure that everyone has the same amount of food.  

Setting the table 

Ask for your child to help you set the table at mealtimes – explain that everybody needs the same number of things.  



Chernyak, N., Harris, P.L. & Cordes, S. (2022). A counting intervention promotes fair sharing in preschoolers. Child Development, 2022, 00, 1-15.