December play ideas – wobble, rock and swing
Sensory input can be calming or stimulating. Gentle swinging and rocking might help your child relax during the exciting month of December, and there are lots of ways to bring it into your day... so why not give this week’s ideas a try?
Jingle bells
What to try
- Find a simple version of the song ‘Jingle Bells’.
- Hold your baby, so they can see your face, and sing along to the song.
- Gently rock them or sway as your sing.
- Repeat for as long as you and your baby are enjoying it.
Remember keep rocking or bouncing very gentle for your baby.
We will rock you
What you need
- A rocker or wobble board (if you don’t have one at home, there might be one at a local play centre).
What to try
- Give your toddler a little time to play on the rocker.
- Then suggest you play a faster/slower game.
- Say, “Slower” and encourage them to rock more slowly.
- Then say, “Faster” and see if they can go more quickly.
- Repeat for as long as they’re interested.
- Finish with some slow rocking to ensure they’re calm at the end of the game!
What you need
- A swing
What to do
- Wrap up warm and go to the park.
- Help your child sit on the swing and remind them to hold tight.
- Give them a gentle push to start them swinging.
- Encourage them to lean backwards and forwards to keep the swing moving.
- If the park is quiet, you could sit on a swing next to them and show them how you make it swing.
Lots of us think of the park as a summer only activity, but if you’re wrapped up warm a trip to the swings can give you and your child a bit of calm in among the winter rush.