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Creativity can save the world - celebrate it this summer

Written by My First Five Years | Aug 10, 2022 1:58:14 PM

When we think of creativity, we might imagine paint palettes and canvas, dance, or rich stories, but creativity extends far beyond these things. A creative person is a flexible thinker, who can think of new ideas or follow thoughts to discover new things. Creativity involves solving problems, inventing, experimenting and reshaping our expectations.  

As a planet, we need inventive solutions to many, many challenges, so we are going to need creative solutions from all walks of life. Scientists, engineers, artists, teachers, governments and many more professions need to be creative in their daily work, now more than ever.  

This is the world our children will inherit, and the pace of change is rapid. This means we don’t know for sure what kinds of jobs will be available when they become adults.

Our children’s lives will be shaped by technologies we’ve not yet dreamed of, or by events we can’t possibly begin to plan for, so how can we ensure they are as prepared as possible for adulthood? We can encourage creativity.  

Being able to challenge ideas, create something original and compelling, or navigate complex relationships all benefit from people thinking creatively about a problem rather than following a set, pre-planned process.  

Children are, often, naturally creative. They are curious, flexible and full of ideas already, so as parents our role is to allow this instinct to flourish.  

Nurturing your child's creativity 

Studies have shown, time and time again, that creativity is best nurtured in a more relaxed, non-judgmental environment.[1, 2] Avoiding directing your child when they are playing will help them to develop their creativity. You can do this in small ways by giving them time to daydream, letting them make their own decisions (when it is safe to do so) and encouraging them to express their opinions or emotions freely.[1]  

Psychologist Theresa Amabile showed that when people (children and adults) thought they were going to be judged on what they made, their work was less creative than those who were simply making something with no expectations of a reward.[2]  

This is one of the reasons that allowing your children as much time as possible to play freely, without expectations for a specific outcome, is such a powerful way to build creativity. Try to focus your praise on your child’s creative thinking or interesting solutions, rather than what they end up with.  

You can encourage creativity in your child by being creative yourself. Find moments throughout the day to be silly and playful, to build something with no end product in mind or to tell rambling, silly stories with no clear end.  

Free nationwide celebration of creativity

This summer, look out for the nationwide festival UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK. Describing itself as a ‘once-in-a-lifetime celebration of creativity’ events are being held across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. From storytelling to music to huge interactive sculptures, the festival celebrates science, technology, engineering, the arts, mathematics and more.  

Even better, it’s completely free. Visit UNBOXED to find out more about the festival and find out what's on in your area, and online. The festival will run until October 2022.   


[1] Harrington, D. M., Block, J. H., & Block, J. (1987). ‘Testing aspects of Carl Rogers’s theory of creative environments: Child-rearing antecedents of creative potential in young adolescents’. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 851-856. 

[2] Hennessey, B., & Amabile, T. (2010). ‘Creativity’. Annual Review of Psychology, 61, 569-598