
Classes and groups cancelled - how your app can help

Baby classes and groups can be a lifesaver, giving you a pattern to your week and some adult conversation. When you realise they stop for the summer holiday, you might wonder how you’re going to fill the days – don't worry, your app will help.  

You probably look for baby classes or groups you think your child will enjoy, but there is also a lot to be said for these groups as a way to meet other parents and have a conversation with another adult.  

If you haven’t already why not swap contact details with some parents from your groups and see if you can arrange to meet up each week when the class isn’t running.  

You could meet at a park, museum, library or bookshop – so your children have something to do while you have a chat. Lots of places put on storytimes and other events during summer so you should be able to find a child-friendly place to get together.  

If everyone seems to be away, or you haven’t got their details yet, why not join our Facebook community for some virtual support – you could see if anyone has tips for managing summer breaks.  

Activity ideas for summer 

You know the app is full of ideas and activities, so the activities tab is a good place to start if you’re wondering about how you’ll fill the day.  

We’re going to share some ideas for when you have children of different ages playing together – so keep checking back in the app over summer for more ideas.  

Why not use the activities tab to find ideas for your baby and some of their friends – and have a go at holding your own mini baby (or toddler) group. We’ll share some DIY baby (or toddler) group ideas each week too! 

If you try, we’d love to hear how you get on – you can contact us via our socials, by joining our Facebook community or by emailing – askusanything@mffy.com.  

Remember what your child needs is quite simple, so you don’t need to put yourself under pressure to do lots of amazing, complicated things with them.