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Chocolate Easter egg nest cakes

Written by My First Five Years | Apr 18, 2022 9:51:03 AM

These no-bake cakes are a great way to use up your Easter eggs or an excuse to buy some more! 

Allow your child to do as much of the process themselves, where appropriate, is key in supporting their learning and development. So, think about if they can weigh, mix, chop or scoop independently, as this is where the real learning comes in!  


  • 230g of chocolate
  • 50g unsalted butter
  • 75g cornflakes or shredded wheat
  • 2 tbsp of golden syrup
  • Broken mini eggs to decorate (if age appropriate). 

How to: 

  1. Line a 12-hole bun tin with paper cases. 
  2. Melt the chocolate, golden syrup and butter in a glass bowl over a pan of simmering water and stir until combined and smooth. 
  3. Once combined, remove from the water and mix in the cereal.
  4. Break the mini eggs into smaller pieces
  5. Divide the mixture equally into the paper cases and decorate with the broken mini eggs. 
  6. Place into the fridge until set. 
  7. Eat!