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Cardboard boxes - your eco-friendly toy

Written by My First Five Years | Jun 14, 2022 2:51:31 PM

With the rise of online shopping, many items are delivered in humble cardboard boxes. Instead of chucking them straight in the recycling bin, give them a new life. 

Cardboard boxes can be hugely exciting. Children of all ages LOVE ANYTHING made from boxes! Usually, children are the ones who have the best ideas; they just might need your help to implement them!  

Continue reading for some ideas on what to do with a simple cardboard box. 



Create a sensory play surface 

Simply cut some holes into a flattened or full box. 

Look around your house for different textiles, bubble wrap, old clothing, crinkly paper, recycled clean packets... you could add images of family members too! 

Stick the textiles, or photos, over the back of the hole, and ta da! You have a sensory surface or box. 



Imaginative play 

Boxes can be transformed into a variety of things to encourage imaginative play.  

A car, aeroplane, oven, castle, robot, or even a television can be made from a box.  

Enlist the help of your toddler when crafting them and you can collaborate to bring fantasy to life. 



Target games 

Boxes can remain whole, with one side open for kicking or throwing balls into.  

Flatten boxes to create a variety of targets, such as small circles in the centre that become larger as they move outward. Adding numbers to the circles creates a scoreboard. 

Targets for smaller balls, toy trains, or cars can be made using the entire box. Make tunnels by cutting out arches on the sides of a box. Roll, kick, or use sticks to get objects into the tunnels. 


All ages 


Drum – bang on a box. 

Guitar - cut a circle on the top of the box and stick lengths of string over the circle. 

Shakers - place small stones, leaves, or beads inside smaller boxes. Secure safely with strong tape. 

Nature boards 

While out, take a small box and collect natural items. Alternatively, cut a small square or rectangle from a box and tape natural items to it while you enjoy the great outdoors.  


Big boxes make great tunnels. Use paints, crayons, fairy lights, or similar, to embellish tunnels. 


When the boxes are done with, jump on and crush them. Then they are ready to recycle!