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All in one place: using the potty or toilet

Written by Lily Holland - My First Five Years | Oct 2, 2023 12:12:21 PM

As a parent, the words ‘potty-training’ can make you feel hopeful for a world where you aren’t constantly shelling out for nappies (they aren’t cheap!) but can also fill you with dread. How do you actually go from your child using nappies to going to the loo? It can sound like hard work to anyone, let alone a tired parent.  

For a start, you might find your parents’ or family members’ experience of potty-training was different from how your friends approach it.  

On top of that, potty-training advice for parents from ERIC (the UK’s children’s bladder and bowel charity) has recently been updated based on clinical evidence and research compiled by ERIC and their partners. It’s now recommended to start the process at a younger age. We feel strongly that this approach reflects good levels of research and evidence, which is why we’re sharing it with you. 

Here are all the articles we've written about potty training, in one place: 

Big news in the world of potty training! And you might want to read about it sooner rather than later... 

Can it really be time to think about a potty? Yes, and it's not as scary as it sounds! 

Potty Power! Helping you prepare for potty training 

Time for potty training? Here's the latest advice on how to manage it 

Troubleshooting potty training – we answer some common questions 

Have you heard of Elimination Communication toilet training? Here’s a quick explainer... 

Listen to an expert 

To hear more about ERIC’s new advice, you can listen to our potty-training podcast special where My First Five Years founders Jennie Johnson and Alistair Bryce-Clegg are joined by Rebecca Mottram, Children's Nurse and Potty Training Consultant at ERIC, who shares tips on when to start potty-training, the lowdown on being dry at night, and how to put your child at the centre of the process and engage them in it.  

Find it here    

All these articles will appear in your 'Discover More...' or 'Articles' section when your child is working on skills linked to potty training, as well.

We’d love to hear if having everything about one topic together is helpful – and if it is let us know which subject you’d like us to do next!  

Drop our child development team a message at to let us know what you think, and what you’d like to read about next 😊