
Air travel with a baby

Over the summer, it is likely that many families may be travelling with a baby for the first time. It can be daunting to think about, so here are a few tips for travel on a plane that may come in handy.  


Before you travel 

Plan ahead 

Planning ahead as much as you can is a good way of alleviating any stress that you may have about travelling. Have as much of your packing as possible done the day before you travel and leave out what you need for the following day before you go to bed. It might also be useful to contact your airline to see if they could provide a bassinet for your baby to sleep in on the plane. 

Consider your seating 

It is always a good idea to double check your seats to see if you are seated with the rest of your family on the plane. As well as this, try to plan your seating if you can – you might find it better to be seated near toilets, or seats that are easy to access. 

Best times to travel 

Plane travel may be disruptive to your baby’s sleep, so try to ensure that you are not travelling around the time that they usually sleep or nap if you can help it.  

Check what your airline and airport allow 

Before you go to the airport, it is worth checking what you will be allowed to take with you. Some airlines and airports allow you to take your buggy all the way up to boarding, which is really handy, but others are more strict. 

Label it up 

Make sure that everything that you are taking with you is clearly labelled. This includes suitcases, car seats and any buggies that you might be taking. Your label should include your name, flight number and details of your hotel. 

On the day 

Keep your carry-on luggage as small as possible 

It is likely that you will have to carry your baby around the airport and onto the plane, and having bulky carry-on bags can make this even more difficult. Try to keep your carry-on luggage as light and manageable as you can – struggling with big bags as well as a baby can be super stressful!  

Pack your baby milk 

Although liquids are generally not allowed on planes for safety reasons, UK airlines allow passengers to bring enough baby food, milk and sterilised water in your hand luggage for the journey – however, frozen breast milk is not allowed. Babies must be present if you wish to travel with soy milk, cow’s milk, water or baby food. 

Organise your hand luggage 

Using a bag with different compartments or pouches is great for keeping your hand luggage organised when flying. You could pop different types of items into different small bags or zip up pouches within your bag so that you aren’t rummaging when your little one needs something. 

Time to fly! 

Nappy changes 

Changing a nappy on the plane can be a little tricky, so try to change your baby's nappy as close to boarding as you can. Bring an easily portable changing mat (there are some great, lightweight and foldable ones available) on board with you and have a chat to staff about where the best place on board to change your baby would be.  

Taking off 

The exciting moment when the plane takes off may be a little uncomfortable for your baby – some children can suffer with ear pain during this time. Feeding your child or giving them a drink during take-off can help to ease the pain.  

Baby carriers 

If you are able to, it might be a good idea for you to bring a baby carrier on the flight. This could be comfortable and familiar for your baby, and is helpful for when you are moving around the plane, finding your seats and leaving. 

Further Reading 
