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Advice from our My First Five Years Community

Written by My First Five Years | May 9, 2022 10:09:47 AM

We put so much energy into empathising with our children, giving them space to play, to  create and to learn. We allow them to get things wrong. We encourage and embrace their emotions. We support them on the tough days. We share their wins and we love them unconditionally.  

For our friends we do the same. We treat them with respect and kindness. We cheerlead for them, encouraging them to go for that promotion or try out that new hobby. We turn up with tissues and biscuits on the hard days. We call and we listen. We don’t judge. We applaud.  

Imagine just how powerful it would be if we offered ourselves this same grace? If we loved ourselves with the same energy. If we spoke to ourselves with this same warmth. Imagine just how powerful this would be.  

So that next time we fall into berating ourselves for forgetting that shopping or losing our temper, we can stop and learn to be a little kinder. We can get back to celebrating what a brilliant job we are doing.  

If you have a piece of advice you’d like to share with us, then you can visit the My First Five Years Facebook Group, we’d love to hear from you.  

If you haven’t joined the group, you can follow this link to join - My First Five Years Facebook Group.