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Activity ideas with our Autumn play kit

Written by Cath Evans - My First Five Years | Oct 10, 2023 1:49:52 PM

Dark nights, crisp leaves and changing weather. Whether you prefer staying cosy inside or getting out and enjoying another season we have Autumn play ideas for you.  

Your first thought when it gets colder (and wetter) might be to stay inside, but with the right clothing, getting out and experiencing rain, wind and cold first-hand is a great way to learn about the changing seasons.  

Our first idea, whatever your child’s age, is to get the right clothes on and go out for a walk.  

Your child will learn about the changes happening around them as you chat about what they can see.  

Babies – Autumn smells 

What you need 

  • A recipe – choose something that makes you think of Autumn (you could try our apple crumble) 

What to do 

  • Have your baby in the room, if it’s safe this could be in a sling. 
  • Chat about what you’re doing and what you can see, feel and smell.  
  • You can enjoy your food as part of an autumn picnic! 

Toddlers - Muddy marks  

What you need 

  • A stick 

What to do 

  • Find a stick and a patch of mud.  
  • Show your child how they can use the stick to make lines, circles and other shapes in the mud.  
  • Give them time and space to try making marks with their stick.  

Your child will probably move their whole arm as they make marks in the mud. Give them lots of space so they can make really big pictures.  

Child - Making a collection 

What you need 

  • A bag, basket or box 

What to do 

  • Take a box, basket or bag that your child can carry easily.  
  • Find a park or somewhere with plenty of trees, leaves and sticks.  
  • Encourage your child to choose some things to put in their box, basket or bag.  
  • When you get home chat about what they’re collected – comment on the things they’ve chosen, “Oh you’ve picked a big leaf,” or “You’ve got more than me...”  
  • Remind them to wash their hands when you get home from collecting.  


Don’t forget to check your activity screen for ideas that will help your child master the skills they’re working on now, and look out for the new play kit launching later this week!