In the throes of the fourth trimester, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to try to make a connection with your newborn baby.
Some might feel a connection straight away and for others it takes a lot longer.
Here are a few things you can do to try to connect with your newborn.
Ask people to help you to get a shower, food, or ten minutes to have a good cry. Whatever works for you. Fostering a relationship with yourself is sometimes the first step in connecting with your baby.
Even if they have a nap on you while you catch up on some rubbish TV, spending time skin-to-skin is a wonderful way to bond with your newborn.
Talk to them about the mundane day-to-day stuff, or what you want for dinner. They will be soothed by your voice, and you will feel better for talking aloud.
Put on your favourite feel-good song. Hold them close or put them in a carrier and slowly rock from side to side together.
Talk to them about how you feel honestly about parenthood and how they have connected with their newborns. You often feel better about sharing experiences and they might also have some great ideas.