Why you don’t need a day to be told when to hug

We love a hug here at MFFY HQ and today is National Hugging Day. When you have young children, you don’t need an excuse to squeeze in a hug any day of the week but we thought it was a good excuse to share just how magic a hug can be for both you and your child.
How long should you hug for?
The average hug lasts three seconds, but it is thought that 20 seconds provides us with the deep pressure we need to relax, as it tells our central nervous system we are safe.
Children often naturally want to hug a lot longer than an adult, as they aren’t bound by social norms, but a general rule of thumb when hugging a child is not to let go until they do.
Why are hugs so amazing?
Hugging is great for connecting with others, reducing stress and filling us with the happy hormone, oxytocin. So, the hug is actually a little miracle-worker and if your child is upset, a hug can sometimes be the best way to fix it.
What do I do if my child doesn’t like hugging?
Not all children enjoy a hug and that’s ok! It’s important to be mindful of respecting our children’s preferences by being in tune with them as an individual and taking time to work out what soothes them when they are upset.
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