The piece of pregnancy / newborn kit that you can’t be without



By now you are no doubt being bombarded with advertisements for products that will ‘change your life’ as a soon-to-be parent. It can be tempting to either splash cash on stuff that will only clutter up your house, or feel nervous that you don’t have the cash to spend. Firstly, please know that the reality is, you need far less than you think. Newborn babies actually have fairly basic needs.  


But we did think it would be interesting to discover the things that, years later, our community still recall and talk about fondly. So, we asked them: “What is the number one piece of pregnancy or newborn kit that you could not live without?”  


Obviously, everyone is different and we got a ton of answers. But there were definitely some reoccurring themes. We have grouped them together, and here you are: 


  • Muslins. It’s so lovely to hear that this extremely basic and cheap item is still so highly regarded. This was our number one response. You can’t have too many. Big ones are great and double up as blankets or picnic mats in the summer. Nice prints lead to new conversations. Different colours help you to know which one is due to go in the wash (yes, this will be constant).  

  • Another item that was mentioned time and time again is a sling, “So that you can get on with life and use your hands while they feel all snuggly and secure,” according to one member of our community. Sling libraries are a great way to try out which one you like before investing, as there are lots of options.  
  • If you decide to breastfeed, a good breast pump is a worthy investment. “I swore by my Pippeta pump. I could do it in the garden and no-one even knew I was pumping. Magic”, said Nat. Microwavable steriliser bags also got a thumbs up and finding details of your local breastfeeding support group prior to the birth was another good tip.  

  • Another breastfeeding must is nipple cream. Lanolin was mentioned a number of times. Ideally, a cream that doesn’t need to be removed before feeds means you can slather it on all day (and night). 
  • “The Rockit saved my sanity” says Rebecca, and she wasn’t the only one to mention rocking. We all know that babies like to be rocked, though at this stage you may not be aware how those muscles in your arms will grow! From rocking chairs to this handy device that fits on your pram, which is apparently well worth considering.  

  • “A semi-circular feeding cushion can be used for feeding, tummy time, support when they start sitting up and then just as a regular cushion” describes one of our community. This is indeed one item that lasts well beyond the first few months and can also be quite handy to buy while pregnant, because who doesn’t need an extra cushion at this stage! “I used my feeding cushion to sleep with while I was pregnant with my second. In fact, I still use it now” says another. A worthwhile investment.

  • “I will never stop thanking the person who gave us one of those moulded foam things for the bath,” stated Rachel, “It transformed bath times from fraught, with a screaming baby, to calm.” 

  • “Lots and lots of water bottles and even a flask so you can drink hot and cold drinks wherever and whenever you are up feeding” – Effie.  Such a good idea. Who doesn’t appreciate a nice cup of tea at 2am? 

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  • Pregnancy support band. “Supported my bump so well for my second and third pregnancies, I wish I’d had this for my first."

  • “Weleda Calendula nappy cream is genuinely magic on nappy rash and any skin redness. I buy a tube for anyone I know who has a baby,” says Bee. There are lots of nappy rash creams on the market but this is a favourite too, alongside Metanium – which does not shift!   
  • “A snooze shade was 100% a lifesaver.” For babies that do a lot of sleeping in the pram, or are born in the summertime, our community reckon this is a helpful piece of kit to have on hand.  

  • A foldable nappy changing mat is worth a look. No, it’s not essential, but for those times when you’re changing a nappy on a random floor that hasn’t seen a mop for five years, it does come in handy.  

  • “Our friends bought us a meal service for the first few weeks after the baby was born, which was better than any piece of kit,” replied Suzy. And she wasn’t alone. A number of people referenced that this made a big difference in the early weeks. If you have relatives that you know will shower you with gifts, perhaps you could request this as an option.   

  • Last but by no means least, Caroline simply writes, “biscuits”. We could not agree more.