
Ten awesome things about being pregnant (that you might not have thought about)

Written by Helen Bryce - Parent writer | Jan 17, 2023 10:20:13 AM

Full disclosure, I did not enjoy being pregnant. I did not enjoy the chafing on my thighs (I actually had to buy some runner's nipple cream at one point), I did not enjoy the lack of sleep and I did not enjoy throwing up in flower beds.

For some people, pregnancy is a beautiful, blossoming experience. For me, it was a sweaty, uncomfortable, spotty one. I was still waiting to bloom when I was about to burst. Then I had our (11lb) baby on the bedroom floor, screaming, “Not those towels, get clean ones!” at my husband (why on earth would you get dirty towels from the landry bin?) after mistaking contractions for Braxton Hicks when I was three days overdue. To be fair, I’m probably not the greatest advertisement for a well-thought-through pregnancy.  

So, in case anyone else is feeling the same, I thought I’d write a list of ten awesome things about being pregnant. A full ten, and none of them are remotely tongue-in-cheek. Ok, maybe the odd one, but did you hear me say that I carried an 11lb baby and I am only 5ft 4???  


  1. You can justify eating ALL the cake. Okay, so, officially, you do still need to be mindful of your diet and healthy eating is important. We have to say that bit. But also, you can eat the cake.  

  2. You get a seat on a busy train / bus. Well, actually you SHOULD get a seat. In my experience this doesn’t always happen, and this makes me even angrier than when someone eats the last biscuit which you should definitely get, because, you know, growing another human being and all that. Luckily, there are kind people in the world who will speak up when other humans forget their manners. And if there aren’t, then I’ve found that sticking my bump out and maintaining constant eye contact tends to ensure they think again about their selfish ways in future. Or that’s what I like to think.  

  3. You gain a new respect for your body. I don’t know about anyone else but it wasn’t until I got pregnant that I was suddenly like, “Woah, this body of mine that I have completely disregarded for the first two decades of my life can do some pretty amazing things”.  

  4. You get to wear massive, stretchy, comfy pants. Okay, I know you don’t need to be pregnant to wear massive, stretchy, comfy pants, but it wasn’t until I was pregnant that I suddenly appreciated the joy of wearing massive, stretchy, comfy pants. And non-underwired bras, and jeans with stretchy waist bands and… More to the point, you probably won’t stop after the baby comes out. I know, I know, right now that seems unlikely, but come back to me in two years and tell me you’ve said goodbye to comfooorrrrt. 

  5. You become healthier. By default. Without the pain of trying to give stuff up. Less / no alcohol. Less coffee. All right, so perhaps more packets of salt and vinegar crisps but shhhh, this is a good point. 

  6. You can fall asleep at work and (probably) won’t get fired. I have tried and tested this one during that pesky first trimester where no money in the world can keep your eyelids from closing. Admittedly, this does depend on where you work. Please do not fall asleep if you are a nurse, teacher, police officer, lawyer… Hmm this point isn’t really working either, is it?

  7. You are growing an actual human being. Does this fact ever get boring or less impressive? An actual human being. As we speak. Beneath your skin. Complete craziness and totally awe-inspiring stuff. 

  8. You get to feel your baby move and kick and wriggle. It’s just such a special thing. For months after I was no longer pregnant I still felt that instinct to rub my tummy protectively. Before I got pregnant I wondered why pregnant women walked around stroking themselves but now I understand it. It is completely instinctual. I will never forget that feeling and am immensely grateful to have had it. 

  9. People speak to you more. Sometimes this is a bit frustrating. “How long have you got to go?” is an annoyingly common question. But, and this continues when you have young children, lots of people are interested and friendly. Other women smile at you in the street.  Shopkeepers have a reason to start a conversation. I found this a bit of a double-edged sword, as it’s a bit strange to get attention for the way your body looks, but also, I did feel kind of special. 

  10. You get to experience magic. I personally think the closest to actual magic that you ever get. With my first baby I found it hard to ignore the fears of giving birth towards the end of my pregnancy. Both my own fears and that of others. Of course you are anxious. This is a big deal. But among the "what if’s" and the planning and the practicalities, please don’t forget that having a baby is PURE MAGIC. Meeting your baby for the first time changes your life forever. However that baby arrives in the world.  


And, for all my complaints about the challenges of pregnancy, I would not swap them for the world for this last fact alone.