
Stretch it out - connecting body and mind

Written by My First Five Years | Nov 20, 2023 6:10:07 PM

What you need

  • A calm, quiet space to stretch out.
  • You can do these simple yoga stretches on a yoga mat, or use a rug, playmat or towel to soften the ground beneath your feet.

Remember to only do what feels comfortable for your body, and your child.  

The steps

  • Wake up your body with some simple yoga stretches. Encourage your child to join in, showing them what to do as you move into each pose. 
  • Sitting comfortably, breathe deeply in and out. It can help to put a hand on your tummy and feel it moving in and out as you breathe to centre yourself.   
  • Start as a caterpillar. Lying on your tummy, stretch out with your arms by your sides and legs straight. Breathe in and out, then gently lift your head off the ground and wiggle side to side to move like a caterpillar.   
  • Curl into a cocoon. Move into child’s pose by bringing your legs up so you are kneeling with your feet under your bottom. Gently curl your body over your knees. You can rest your arms by your sides, or stretch them out past your head. Breathe in deeply and feel your body relax as you breathe out.   
  • Transform into a butterfly. Bring yourself up to a sitting position, get comfortable with your knees up in front of you and your feet on the floor. Gently allow your legs to fall open so that the soles of your feet are touching and your knees are pointing out like butterfly wings. Breathe in and out, stretching your spine. Gently flap your ‘wings’ up and down like a butterfly.
  • If your child is feeling calm and relaxed, take a moment to both lie on your back. Get comfy and close your eyes. It is okay if your little one is most comfortable wriggling around a little.  
  • Listen to the sounds around you and take turns to name what you hear, or talk about how your body feels after the stretches. 

Benefits for your child

  • As well as the physical benefits of gentle stretching, taking time to sit quietly and feel the movement of their body is a wonderful foundation for mindfulness and positive mental wellbeing.
  • Doing yoga together gives you and your child some calm time to connect and talk about anything that has been on their minds.

Building on

  • If your child enjoys this, you can make up more yoga actions, or find some tutorials to follow online. There are lots of free children's yoga videos available!