Let them show you – teaching others how to put on a coat

What you need 

  • A coat 
  • A friend, sibling or relative 

The steps 

  • Ask your child to show someone else how they put on their coat.  
  • If you this is another adult, ask the adult to comment on what your child is doing or to ask for more information about each step.  
  • Step in and help if your child gets frustrated, but if they aren’t encourage them to keep trying when it gets tricky.  

Benefits for your child

  • Showing someone else what they’re learning will help encourage your child to keep practising, even if they might still need a little bit of help to avoid frustration. 
  • Explaining or showing others the steps helps your child remember the order of tasks and encourages them to think about how important that order is - which are important cognitive skills to practise. 

Building on

  • If your child enjoys this, let them think of other things they can explain to other people. This might be putting on socks and shoes, doing a favourite puzzle or getting the table ready for a meal. Anything they enjoy and are proud to do!