Clouds and leaves - watching the shadows nature makes

What you need  

  • A blanket or a comfortable place to sit, ideally under a tree   

What to do  

  • Place a blanket on the floor and lie down on your backs so you can look at the leaves of the tree, or the clouds.   
  • Babies, especially young ones, might not notice the clouds, so lie together under a tree and enjoy the movement of the light through the leaves. Even if they seem more interested in looking around at other things they will notice that lying down outside feels different to being inside. 
  • Talk about what you can see, using lots of describing words to talk about the colours, shapes and shadows. 
  • Save this activity for a dull day, don’t look at the sky if the sun is bright.   

Benefits for your child 

  • Your baby will be experiencing different sensations, from the weather to the sounds of the outdoors, which will help them develop their awareness of the world around them. 
  • They will also be seeing the world from a new perspective, which will help them make sense of where their body is in relation to the space, and objects, around them. 

Building on 

  • If you have children of different ages, this is a perfect activity for everyone to enjoy together and could be a great way to relax after a trip to the park, or playing some games. 
  • As your baby gets older, they will enjoy spotting shapes in the clouds as well.