Classes and groups cancelled for summer? We’ve got you covered

Whether you have a baby, toddler, or child, the summer holidays can bring up mixed feelings for parents. It might seem that everyone has plans, or there is some nostalgia for magical summers of the past.  It is a time we are programmed to feel that we should look forward to, but the truth is, when the daily routine goes out of the window and the usual classes and get-togethers are postponed, you can feel really stuck for ideas of how to fill your days. 

Well, do not worry! Below are some simple ideas of things to do that are free and outside of the house that can help you get through the summer holidays, and maybe even enjoy them! 


Visit a pet shop 

This is one of the simplest days out and children of all ages love to visit the pet shop. You can spend ages looking at the different animals and sometimes, if you are there at the right time, some of the shop assistants might let you feed or hold some of the animals. 


Visit an art gallery 

Many art galleries are free, and they are usually amazing places to take young children. They will love the freedom of space and exploring the different areas. They’re also not places where children must be quiet anymore with many galleries wanting children to interact in the spaces. So, you will often find lots of hands-on things to do and, during the summer holidays, some specific child-friendly exhibitions and activities. 


Dust off the library card 

The library is a fantastic place to spend time with your child. Take up a position on a tiny chair and let them explore the books. Then you can pick your favourites to take home. Don’t forget to check out the community board, you might find out something that is happening locally that you can take part in with your child. 


Visit the airport 

There is nothing stopping you from going to show your child a real-life airport. You can’t get past security, but you can go and view all of the activity on the runway. Have a quick internet search for the best and safest way to watch the planes at your nearest airport, and you’ll be amazed at how long your child enjoys watching the aeroplanes take off and land. There might even be a designated airport viewing park where you can go and explore retired planes. Also, if you’re due to go on holiday, this is a fab way to introduce them to the concept. 


Ask your local Facebook group 

If all else fails, check your local Facebook group to find out about the most up-to-date events in your area. You never know, there might even be a sensory class you can pop into that you didn’t know ran over the holidays.