Again and again! - The power of repetition

The steps 

  • Babies and toddlers love repetition – and learn lots from it too. But if you’re starting to feel that repeating another round of ‘Wheels on the Bus’ is simply too much to cope with, have a look online for new rhymes to learn – and sing over and over again! 
  • One option is to look for old folk songs and rhymes, which might not be so well known but often have a lovely simple rhythm. This is one we love to sing to our babies at a calm moment:  


“Down in the valley 

Where the green grass grows, 

Dear little [child's name] 

Grows like a rose. 

You grow, you grow, 

You grow so sweetly. 

Down in the valley 

Where the green grass grows.” 


Benefits for your child 

  • Babies and yuoung children love repetition, as it makes them feel confident when they hear a familiar tune or words.  
  • By hearing songs or rhymes often, they will build confidence, language skills and cognitive skills as they are able to recall the words and tune, practise the sounds and join in over time.   

Building on 

  • Sometimes all you need to make a song or rhme feel a bit different is to repeat it somewhere unusual. This could be simply going outside and singing, or curling up in a blanket fort indoors. Making the location different brings a new feeling of excitement to reading and sharing stories.   
  • Remember, Don’t be afraid of feeling a bit boring to other adults and embrace repeating just one or two rhymes or games several times to make up your play time. Although it might start to feel boring for you, it won’t to your little one.