1st Birthday gift guide

Your baby's first birthday can be quite a milestone and, while all your one-year-old really needs is you, you might find that everyone wants to get them something to celebrate their first trip around the sun.
To help you with ideas, our experts have compiled twelve of our favourite gifts that we know you and your child will love and that will grow with them over the coming years.
1. Happy Birthday book
Happy Birthday to You! by Nicola Slater | Waterstones
A simple book about singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to a little otter. with the loveliest birthday tune on each of the pages, culminating in the full song and a candle to blow out! This birthday treat can be enjoyed any day of the week.
2. Birthday crown
Birthday Crown | JoJo Maman Bebe
Why not start a simple tradition of wearing a birthday crown for their birthday? Perfect for celebrations and comes with badges for each of their first five birthdays. Plus, it can be passed between sibling and reused, making it a sustainable birthday gift!
3. Personalised Board Book
My First Baby Photo Book | Create A Baby Board Book | Photobox
This personalised photo book is a thoughtful gift for a one-year-old. Each of its pages are wipe clean and it is a great way to teach your baby who is who. Especially great for supporting transitions and learning new words and names.
4. Finger paints £16.99

Finger Paint 12 Colour Set - Boots
Paints that don’t stain I hear you cry! Enough said. These paints are perfect for little hands and are a great way of trying out some messier activities at home, safe in the knowledge that the clean-up won’t take longer than the activity.
5. Birthday yearbook
This scrapbook is a great way to document birthdays from their first through to their eighteenth. Each year comes with two pages to place pictures and memories on, and can be gifted to them in the future so that they can reflect on all the fun they had.
6. Miniland doll
Miniland Black Haired Doll - Aspen 38cm | The Kid Collective
A doll makes a great gift for a one-year-old who is beginning to learn more about the world around them. We particularly love these Miniland dolls as they promote inclusivity, are anatomically correct and handmade in Europe!
7. First train set
My First Railway Beginner Pack (brio.co.uk)
A train set is a great gift. Although they won’t be able to put the train track together, they will be able to move and push the train along the track or floor and then, over time, their skills will develop and you can add pieces to this set to grow your train track.
8. Ball pit

Nuby Turquoise & Mint Ball Pit
A ball pit is a great gift for the one-year-old that is beginning to explore their environment. They are great for promoting both gross and fine motor skills and can be used with other toys. This one is soft, affordable and versatile.
9. Wooden walker
Children's Wooden Toy Shopping Trolley - Kids Concept | Cuckooland
We love that this wooden walker could be a shopping trolley, a walker, a pushchair or cart! It’s perfect for encouraging walking and can be used and enjoyed for many years to come in their role play.
10. Teepee
The Little Green Sheep Teepee - Grey | Natural Baby Shower
Teepees are a great addition to both indoor and outdoor play if you have the room. Young children love being enclosed, and a teepee can make for lots of fun. It’s a safe space to chill out and a great place to store some of their toys when they go to bed.
11. Triclimb

Buy the Triclimb Triclimb at KIDLY UK
If you have the space and are looking for a more extravagant gift for your one-year-old, you cannot go wrong with a Triclimb. These are great for your soon-to-be-toddler, as they promote physical development while also doubling up as a den! This will provide hours of fun and will be used for many years to come.