What you need
- A smooth surface (you could use a tray or low table)
- Blocks
What to do
- Arrange the blocks in two piles, one for you and one for your toddler.
- Tell your toddler that you are going to build a tower together by taking turns to put a block on.
- Encourage them to place a block, then say, “My turn,” and place one of the blocks from you pile on top.
- Say, “Your turn,” and encourage your child to put the next block on.
- Keep going until the tower falls or you don’t have any blocks left.
- When it is your turn talk about how you are moving and carefully placing the block, this might help your toddler to think about how they move the blocks.
- If your toddler seems unsure when the tower falls, smile so they know this is ok or start with just a few blocks each so the tower is less likely to topple.