
What’s inside the box – let's look and see

What you need 

  • A shoebox  
  • Two smaller boxes (one that fits inside the other) to go inside the shoebox – a bit like Russian dolls! 
  • A small object or toy (that is safe for your baby to play with) that will fit inside the smallest box  


What to do 

  1. Place the object or toy in the smallest box and close the lid.  
  2. Put the smallest box in the medium-sized box and close the lid.  
  3. Pop the medium-sized box inside the shoebox and close the lid.  
  4. Sit with your baby and open the shoebox lid; you might say, “Oooh, let’s open the box, what will be inside?”  
  5. When the lid is open, make a surprised face and say, “Uh, I don’t know that it is.”  
  6. Close the lid.  
  7. Pass the boxes to your baby and give them time to open them all up. While your baby explores the boxes, use words such as “open,” and “close.” 


Good to know 

It could be tricky for your baby to take off the box lids, depending on whether they have hinged or removable lids. If your baby is getting frustrated, step in to help. 

Always supervise your baby when they are playing with small objects or toys.