
What were you wearing? Play a photo matching game

What you need 

  • Three or four photos of your child in different outfits 
  • A piece of cardboard with a small window cut out

What to do 

  • Cover the photo with the cardboard so your child can only see the part through the window.  
  • The part they see could be part of their outfit at first then, as they get more confident with the game, change to showing only their face or part of the background. 
  • Ask them if they can tell you what they were wearing in that photo.  
  • If they find this too hard have two of each of the photos. Use the cardboard on one and see if your child can find the photo that is the same as the covered one.

Good to know 

You can use any photographs or pictures you know your child will find interesting, and ask them to remember what was in them. It doesn’t need to be photos of them, or limited to outfits if this is not interesting for them.