Activity Two

What was happening here? Remembering play that has gone before

Written by MFFY | Mar 13, 2023 3:38:01 PM

What you need 

  • Toys your toddler enjoys playing with 

What to do 

  1. When your toddler is interested in a particular game, say they've built a model, made a den or arranged their toy animals or vehicles carefully, try to give them plenty of time to develop their ideas and play.  
  2. Sometimes leave the things they have been playing with ready to go back to later or tomorrow if they need to finish playing for a while.  
  3. When they return, help them to remember what they were playing by making comments or asking simple questions like, “Where was cow going?”   

Good to know 
As your toddler’s memory develops, they might return to games they enjoy, but sometimes they might need your help to remember what they were playing and think about what they might do next.