Activity Two

What shall we play with? Responding to your baby’s sounds and supporting their brain development

Written by MFFY | Sep 9, 2022 9:10:11 AM

What to try 

  • Lie on the floor with your baby while they play, or sit holding them – be close to them and make sure they can see your face clearly.
  • Smile and chat to your baby, then pause to give them time to respond.
  • Their response might be a sound, a wiggle or simply looking at you.
  • Then respond again with another smile, sound or word.
  • Keep going until either you, or your baby, is ready for a break – they might show you this by turning away, or not responding when it's their turn.

Good to know 

Putting your baby in a sling or carrier while you are doing other things or when you go for a walk will mean you can still chat closely to them.  

Remember, when you respond to your baby, you’re helping to build their brain. They will become more interested in objects as their physical skills develop, but playing and interacting with you and other people is huge part of their learning and development.