
What have you got? Playing with your baby and encouraging communication

What you need 

  • Toys to look at 


What to do 

  1. Hold your baby in a supported sitting position in your arms. 
  2. Hold a toy close to them so they can reach it and grasp it.  
  3. Talk to them as they hold the toy, smile and look at your baby.  


Good to know 

Your baby might move the toy around or put it in their mouth, or simply look at the toy as you move it. If they drop the toy your baby might look at you for help to reach the toy again.  

Respond to their requests and notice if they turn away and stop interacting with you for a little while. They might sometimes want to focus their full attention on the toy or object that they are exploring, so don’t worry if they want to stop looking at or chatting with you for a while.