Activity Two

What happened? Share a story and chat about the past

Written by MFFY | Feb 23, 2023 11:39:31 AM

What you need 

  • Story books featuring events your toddler has experienced 

What to do 

  • Read the story and comment on similarities between the events in the story and your toddler’s experiences. It might be about a trip to a farm or finding a lost toy – something they have seen or done recently enough for them to remember. 
  • Pause so they can comment too. 
  • Keep chatting and reading for as long as your toddler is interested. 

Good to know 

This will be a great way for your toddler to talk about things in the past tense. For example, you could read about something as simple as visiting a park and then chat with your toddler about what happened last time you went there.