
Wet or dry? A simple guessing game to help feel the difference

What you need 

  • Two flannels or small towels 

What to do 

  • Make one of the flannels wet, and then place it next to a dry one where your toddler can see them.  
  • When you and your toddler are looking at them say, with lots of excitement, “One of these is wet, but I’ve forgotten which! Which one is wet?”  
  • Your toddler might know right away, or might simply guess. Ask them, “But how do you know?” and talk about how you know it is wet.  
  • You can say that it feels cold (or warm), it is heavier, or even that it makes a splat noise when you drop it.  
  • Let your toddler explore the cloths and see if they notice any other differences.  
  • If they enjoy guessing, you can mix up the cloths and play again, taking it in turns to guess if your toddler wants to set the challenge.  
  • If they find it very easy, you can make the game trickier by guessing with your eyes closed or by looking without touching the cloths. 

Good to know 

Learning what wet, or dry, feels like takes time and practice. This simple guessing game will help your toddler become confident in noticing the difference between wet and dry, which will help them to notice the same feeling in their nappy or pants.