
‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ in real life! Use words to describe position in this fun game

What you need 

  • The book We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen, you could borrow the book from a library or find a video on You Tube. 

What to do 

  • Read or listen to the story together and encourage your toddler to join in with the repeated part; “We can’t go over it, we can’t go under it. Oh no! We’ll have to go through it.” 
  • Go on a ‘bear hunt’ with your toddler – this could be in your garden, or in a park. 
  • Repeat the words from the story as you walk together. If you can find long grass or mud that’s great but if not, you can pretend and change the way you walk as you walk through the ‘long grass’ or ‘mud’.  
  • If you find other obstacles which are safe to move through you can adapt the words to fit what your toddler is experiencing, such as “Oh no! Some puddles! We can’t go over them...” 
  • Encourage you toddler to join in with the words by pausing as you say the repeated phrase so they can finish it off for you.