Activity Two

Turn taking at the park – visit the park to practise playing with others

Written by My First Five Years | Nov 23, 2023 4:31:44 PM

What to try 

  • Visit a local park or play area.  
  • Encourage your child to play alongside others while you're there.
  • You could help make this more tempting by bringing toys to share, such as a ball or bucket and spade, with you. 
  • You can see if your child wants to offer these things to another child playing nearby, or simply let them play and see if other children approach you to join in.
  • If they do play together, stay close by to support them with taking turns, explaining whose turn it is each time.

Good to know 

Your child might want to watch other children before playing with them, so don’t push them to play before they’re ready. If they end up playing alone, or choose not to interact with others this time, that's fine.

You could chat to the adults with other children when you visit the park as this will show your child that meeting new people can be fun.